Bearing & distance recall

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Quickly retrieve the bearing or distance between two COGO points by separating them with a dash. For example, at any distance prompt, type "101-102" to use the distance from point 101 to point 102. This works for nearly all bearing and distance prompts throughout the program.


Angle and Distance Arithmetic

Using an operator (+,-,*,/) you can do arithmetic with the result.


Suppose you want to set a point exactly halfway between points 101 and 102.

  1. Set up on point 101, then start the traverse command.
  2. For the bearing, enter "101-102"
  3. For the distance, enter "101-102/2.0"



On line 2 we told the program to use the bearing from point 101 to 102.

On line 3 we told the program to use the distance between those same points, and then divide it by 2.0.


You can do this with both angle and distance recall entry methods.



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