Survey Control

Store monument and benchmark information including latitude and longitude, state plane coordinates and more. Use Info-Retriever's powerful search routines to find the benchmark or control point you need.


Manage Benchmarks and other survey control!

  • Manage benchmarks and other survey control.
  • Keep unlimited notes for each control point.
  • Create a location map of control points in Google Earth or Google Maps.
  • Import NGS Datasheets (copy and paste).
  • Search for control by address.
  • Search for control by nearest street and cross street.
  • Store lat/lon, local coordinate and also state plane coordinates with each point.
  • Search for a control point by specifying a search window around a point.
  • Print azimuth and distance to control points from a known coordinate.
  • Scan and save field notes, sketches, photographs, aerials and other documents with each control point.


Info-Retriever Survey Control

Info-Retriever Control Window - click for large version